Nissan Skyline 1995 RB20E
The car that runs on petrol and water
Everybody knows that water is made from hydrogen and oxygen H20, both of
which are highly combustible when ignited. The only by-product of which is
water and probably every automotive-minded person has heard of the person
who knows someone somewhere that has made a car run on water.
The great ‘urban legend’ has to date just been myth, well now
you can see it as a reality, right here, right now!
The Nissan SkyLine RB20E is a highbred petrol/gas/water car.
The flat facts are;
1. The skyline achieves 5.22 liter per 100 kms highway running, which is approximately
½ what is normally required to power the vehicle.
2. We have reduced emissions up to 90% without a catalytic converter.
3. There is no drop off in performance.
4. It starts brilliantly when cold and is working perfectly within a minute.
5. The engine runs normally compared to gas/petrol.
6. The spark plugs are always immaculate, they never go dull or tarnish or
7. Produces its own oxygen and appears not to suffer any altitude performance
8. Works on any portable water source.
9. The technology is transferable to diesel.
10. There appears to be no top end performance drop off.
11. The entire induction system uses standard automotive components.
12. Over 5 different patented features.
13. Works on standard engine platforms.
14. Independent emission, fuel and dynameters results available.
Now given that you have read the above and you have found this site, we assume you have a degree of mechanical dexterity and you know like minded people who know others and so on.
We are hoping that the six degrees of separation will prevail and someone will know the right person in one of the automotive giants or governments who actually can see the benefit in halving fuel consumption and by reducing emissions by up to 90% at virtually no more cost to manufacture in mass production.
Ask yourself, would you buy a car that costs half as much to run with no
loss of power that ran 90% cleaner than the current vehicles on our road?
If you know any person in the media that might be interested in this technology
have them contact us. Seeing and touching normally results in disbelief and
See attached video.
Note: We are NOT yet supplying after-market kits. If you know someone who wants to supply enmass then have them call us.
Please before calling us visit and note that Auckland New Zealand and Sydney Australia may well be the middle of the night. Please don’t call after 9pm or before 7am.
Email return to
Mr Graeme Jenkins Home: 6492749930
Direct: 64274943969
Fax: 6492749388
Should Graeme be unavailable call Simon Butler Office: 61296866997
Direct: 61412401041
Fax: 61296866381
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