Meggala's parts and information page.
This page has become and important reference
for alot of people so I though I would update it.
Please read the disclaimer before using this
information it is provided as is with no guarantees
Some great links on and off site with information
the holy grail the ecu pinouts for nissans not all but the basics
ecu pinouts here number 1
ecu pinouts number 2
Timing Belt:-
13028-20P25 8/93 to 2/98
13028-5L327 2/98 onwards
Water Pump:-
21010-21U25 All
rb30 water pump fits rb20 as well
21200-42L05 All (76.5C)
rb30 themostat (thermostat runs cooler) not sure rb25
These part numbers are from Nissan Australia's "Fast Moving Catalogue".
for the four spot calipers are the same as the 200sx. Bendix ultimates are
one make for the non turbo cars nissan have or can get the parts not sure
oil filter
same as rb30 engine
automatic transmission fluid
nissan "matic D" or use the castrol synthetic auto fluid "nb: must be very
good fluid"
spark plugs
unsure of number but same as r32 gtr. gap 0.8 mm platinum are recommended
but if you are running rich save your money and put copper ngk's in.
Stock GT-R are PFR6A-11
hotter - PFR5A-11
Cooler - PFR7A-11
coil Packs
these are the numbers on the ones from an rb20
22433 60u02 mcp-300124 check that yours are the ame as there are a couple
of types floating around
02 sensors
They are the same as ford ef-el one just cut off the plug and fit the nissan
plug about a third of the price.
Injector upgrades
This is for an rb 20 they have high impedance injectors 550cc from series
5 rx7 with 13b turbopart number they are denso 195500-1370
for gtr with low impedance injectors series 4 rx7 13b turbo
or gtr injectors which are low impedence you fit a resistor to them to raise
impedance for an rb20.
Mazda 13b injectors are 550cc purple top 2 ohms series 4 part no ends in 1370,
pink top 13.8 ohms series 5, you can run
either injectors in a GTR, 2 ohms leave the resistor box in, 13.8 ohms leave
the resistor box out. They both fir in the
standard fuel rails. I have an R33 GTR and have used both of these injectors
in it and they both work fine, I had to
rewrite my chip with a rom editor and I am also running a R32 GTR ecu which
the chip can be rewritten the same as an R32
GTST. Series 6 injectors are 13.8 ohm side entry 550 primary and 700 secondaries
and will fit an R33 GTST but they are
pricey second hand if you can find them.
injector info here
Fuel pump upgrades
using bosh fuel pumps
bos 070 ...195 L/hr @ 2.5 bar (36.5psi in out 12mm/8mm barb
bos 910 ...200 L/hr @ 5 bar (73.5 psi)in/out 15mm/M12 X 1.5
bos 975 ...228 L/hr @ 5 bar (73.5 psi)in/out 15mm/M12 X 1.5
bos 984 ...228 L/hr @ 5 bar (73.5 psi)in/out 15mm/M12 X 1.5
bos 044 ...330 L/hr @ 5 bar (73.5 psi)in/out 15mm/M12 X 1.5
bos 040 ...235 L/hr @ 5 bar (73.5 psi)screen M12 X 1.5
info from vpwmail order
Head torque settings
These are the specs I used on my own last rebuild as supplied by Hytech engines
Head is torqued down in 5 stages.
1. 22ftlbs
2. 72ftlbs
3. slacken off
4. 22ftlbs
5. 75ftlbs or 90o
Engine torque setting
Main bearing torque 40ft/lbs
Big end bearings..... also 40ft/lbs
about gear boxes for skylines
ok from what i know the rb20 gts and gtst manual boxes are the same and the
vl/ r31 aussie skyline 3.0 l is similar only difference being the ratio's
I know cause i have seen all fitted. power rating on the boxes is around 350
400 hp max at the fly wheel. vl rb 20 e motor trans I have no idea about vlt
box is good for 600 hp some say 800 hp and the rb25 is similar to to vlt box.
auto to manual swaps in r32's need different tail shaft and crossmember different
lenghts. for the bigger boxes rb25 /vlt I think you need different slave cylinders
clutches are push type for all execpt for r33/34 gtr and r34 gtt which are
pull type .
the internals of the rb25/vlt box share similar components to gtr and z32
boxes and all have similar strenght.
r32gtst box and the r33 gtst boxes are different in size ,weigh and strength
Z32 afm pinouts

The z32 afms some times dont come with plugs but the afm plug from an RB30
brown / +
blue / -
orange black/ sig out
Z32 MAF E - Battery Source (via EFI relay)
B - Output Voltage (pin31)
A - Variable Resistor (pin30)
D - Ground (pin26)
F - Self Cleaning (pin12)
C - Ground (direct)
Z32 air flow side
A -> connection it is
B -> incoming air signal red
C -> power source not grounding & not connecting, yes
D -> signal ground green
E -> power source blue
The F -> connection it is
wiring for Z32 Maf into GTS-T [ Post #8 ]
Z32 terminals are lettered A Thru to F, total of six terminals of which 5
are used on the Z32 and 4 on the GTS-t.
Working from A upwards as follows:
A: do not use
B: connect to Black wire on GTS-T MAF loom
C: connect to black/silver
D: connect to white
E: connect to black with white tracer
F: do not use.
The Japanese date mystery.
If you r like me and look at sites in Japanese you will see dates that don't
make sense
like S63 or H10 these relate to the Japanese calander using the emperors
reign to
specify dates. the first one relevant is Emperor Showa who reign was from
1925 till 1988 the dates are shown S 63 for 1988 S53 for 1978 so you under
stand the next emperor is Heisei so the calander looks like this. S63 =
1988 If I'm wrong please correct me by mailing me. I will fix it up.
S59 = 1984
S60 = 1985
S61 = 1986
S62 = 1987
S63 = 1988
H1 = 1989
H2 = 1990
H3 = 1991
H4 = 1992
H5 = 1993
H6 = 1994
H7 = 1995
H8 = 1996
H9 = 1997
H10 = 1998
H11 = 1999
H12 = 2000
H13 = 2001
H14 = 2002
H15 = 2003